Tire ReconditiongResurfacing your tires and trunnion rollers give them a near new surface finish. Our experienced personnel with their on-site grinding equipment can resurface your tires with a minimum of downtime and at the most reasonable rates in the country.
Field ServicesNo job is too big for our experienced personel. Rotary Kiln & Dryer will modify or repair existing rotary equipment of any make either on an onsite or offsite basis.
Used InventoryVast inventory of used equipment. Search our online used equipment inventory. We have a large selection of trunnion rollers, thrust rollers, gears, tires and much more at a fraction of the cost of new.
AlignmentComplete or partial alignment services. Whether you are performing a new installation or routine maintenance, Rotary Kiln & Dryer can put your kiln or dryer back into perfect alignment.